med en barriere
med to barrierer
med sikkerhetsgjerde
Autovern for parkeringshus / plasser
Vern for lagerlokaler
Vöruúrvalið hjá Duralock er einstakt, allt frá einföldum rimlagirðingum fyrir heimili og sumarbústaði til heidarlausna fyrir heimsfræga keppnis og sýningarvelli eins og Royal Ascot og Aintree ( myndin hér til hliðar ) þar sem þeir útveguðu allar nauðsynlegar girðingar fyrir brautirnar þar.
Lausnirnar fyrir Reiðvellina eru einstakar útaf því að þeir þurfa engar festingar úr járni, rær eða bolta en erum samt hannaðar til varanlegrar uppsetningar, en geta auðveldlega verið teknar í sundur og fjarlægðar.  Duralock er svo sannarlega leiðandi, fjölþjóðlegt fyrirtæki með rekstur í öllum heimsálfum.

Fleksibilitet er vår styrke!
OBEX Løsninger. / Org.nr.994520938. / Såstadveien 16 / 1570 Dilling / obex@obex.no / tlf. 0047-99125570.


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Pedestrian Barrier
Hand Rail
Slide Gates
Swing Gates

Traffic Barrier
Traffic Barrier Double Rail
Impact Traffic Barrier
Atlas Barrier
Traffic Ground
Bollard 200 OD
Bollard Heavy Duty 225 OD

Rack End Barrier (Single Rail)
Rack End Barrier (Double Rail)
Rack Leg Protector

Traffic + PRA
Impact Traffic +
Traffic +

Bollard 200 OD
Bollard Heavy Duty 225 OD
75/50 Bollards
125mm Bollards
Atlas Triangle

Height Restrictors
Bollard 200 OD
Bollard Heavy Duty 225 OD
Atlas Triangle

Atlas Triangle
Atlas Hexagon
Pedestrian Barrier
Car Park Barrier
Column Protectors

Rota CP
Bollard interlinked CP
Post & Rail CP

A-Safe Armco Barrier
A-Safe Armco Barrier Double

Car Park Barrier
Car Park + Anti Climb Attachment

Vehicle Kerb
Micro Barrier 125mm OD
Wall Buffer 75mm

Obex løsninger er godkjent forhandler for dette unike produktet fra A-Safe ltd. i England, som igjen har enerett på design og produksjon av denne varen vi tilbyr.

A-Safe ltd. Produserer alle sine varer etter de strengeste kvalitetskrav.

1. Rack End Protection
Various Rack End Barrier designs are available to protect the racking.

2. Rack Upright Protection
Rack Leg Protectors are used to protect racking uprights.

3. Door Protection
Bollards (3A) and Height Restrictors (3B) are used to protect doors and door frames.

4. Traffic Segregation/Wall and Machinery Protection
Traffic Barriers (4A), Ground Traffic Barriers (4B) and Double Rail Traffic Barriers (4C) are examples of vehicle segregation or protection for equipment and buildings.

5. Pedestrian Segregation
Pedestrian Barriers (5A) are the most effective way of segregating pedestrians. Hand Rails (5B) are light weight products also used for pedestrian guidance. Kick Plates (5C), Swing Gates (5D), Slide Gates (5E) and Safety Signs and Boards (5F) are accessories shown on the pedestrian barrier but also available on most A-Safe barrier systems.
   6. Traffic and Pedestrian Segregation
Traffic Plus (6A) is shown segregating pedestrians but also offering good protection from vehicles.Traffic with Pedestrian Rail Attachment also available.

7. Column Protection
Bollard Style (7A) and Post Rail (7B) column protectors guard against damage to columns in all areas.

8. Light Vehicle Protection
Micro Barriers (8A) and kerb barriers are used to guide and protect equipment and buildings against light vehicles.

9. Vehicle Segregation and Protection
Atlas Barriers (9A) are heavy duty barriers used to guide and protect against vehicles.
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